Saturday, 28 May 2016

The Humble worm

I'm very much a solitary gardener, I never have music or radio whilst I work, on the odd occasions there's also someone else in the garden I tend to be tucked away in my own area quietly lost in thought and the moment. However thanks to modern technology I'm rarely alone whether that's the odd call from home or a random text conversation with a friend in still very much in touch with the outside world. One contact I am most thankful for is that of my brother, we have grown up always very close and though we now garden at opposite sides of the country we are still able to be in touch and compare our working days.
The smart phone has been a revelation to us with its capacity for camera work and internet access add this to the joint discovery of photography app Instagram and it's as though a while new work has been opened up. One side of this is a new set of photo challenges we have begun between us talking it in turns to choose a word we must then attempt to capture during our daily garden. My plan is to attempt to in some way document my discoveries through this blog and give an insight into nature through my personal perspective.

Today's word was chosen by me as “Humble “ and they don't come much humbler than the simple earthworm, a miracle of nature that tirelessly works the soil beneath our feet creating the very medium the garden grows from. Rarely thanked or even given more than a passing thought they are the reason our plants grow, the soil has structure and the detritus on the surface is dragged down and out of sight. Hats off to one of natures major powerhouses and next time you find one in the garden get down to its level watch how incredibly it works and whisper it a big thank you from us all.

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