The photo challenge today was set to the word “regal”. It's always a pleasure to be forced to look at your own garden more closely especially when you also spend so much time in other people's, doing a photo challenge on a weekend is generally cause to look closer at home and today was no different. I considered a few possibilities for completing this, crowns of flowers or stately trees but in the end or chickens caught my eye.
This is one of our rescue chickens that lives in the corner of our garden, a flock of four in a run we can see from the house, pecking their way round and occasionally get let into the garden for an roam. They grub up pests and give my the most incredible soil for the garden, by constantly adding fresh soil from the garden to their run and taking out old I get this fantastic, dark, rich, crumbly earth by the barrow load to add to the beds.
They have to be watched of course or else seedlings are munched, compost bays kicked over the garden, crap left in the most inconvenient places and prize plants pecked apart but isn't that the way with all things? Gardening is about balance, there's goodness in bad times and crap to pick up after the perks.
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